Manage Your Personal Settings

Please click on your user name to reveal a drop-down menu.

You will see an option called profile in the drop-down menu. Selecting profile will open a modal that will allow you to edit your user profile.

User Profile Editing

Please note that you are not allowed to edit your user name and your email address. If you would like to change either of those please open a support ticket.

The user profile screen allows you to change your profile parameters which includes your password and your avatar image. Please note that if you used any of the social buttons to create your account, your social avatar picture is copied into our system. If your gravatar image is available, we will try to upload as well. The user profile screen elements are as shown in the image below:


As noted in the figure, here are important elements of the user profile screen (The fields marked with red box are not editable)

  1. Button to upload your avatar from local computer
  2. Button to upload an avatar from our stock images
  3. Password change field (you must retype the exact same password in the confirm box)
  4. Save Changes button which saves the changes (This button is clickable only when any changes are made)
  5. Blur Level - This changes the amount of blur on the images should you choose to enable blurring on the images (Default Level is at 50%)
  6. Choice between Infinite Scrolling or Pagination on the listing page (Default selection is Infinite Scrolling)
  7. Billing profile change. You can edit your company name and/or billing address that is printed on the invoices.

Below is a screenshot showing the process of changing your avatar using local images and stock images.